Prayer Room
Maybe you’re reading this and you would like to pray but you don’t know how…
Prayer is conversation with God. You don’t need to use special words or a special voice. You can pray out loud or silently. God knows what you think and is aware of all you do. You can talk to him about anything.
Try praying like this for 7 days
Find a quiet place
It’s true that you can talk to God anywhere at anytime, but many people find that by finding a quiet place away from distractions they can find stillness
Be still
Be still. Breathe slowly. Sit comfortably. Don’t worry about the thoughts rushing round in your head. Be still. Let your muscles relax. Become aware of your breathing. Be still. Allow yourself … to … just … be.
Talk to God
Just talk to God as you would talk to a friend. Tell him how you are feeling. Tell him what is on you mind. Use simple sentences. Stop and listen. Don’t worry if you don’t hear anything. Pay attention to how you are feeling. After a few moments pray some more.
Some simple prayers to get you started
A prayer to begin with
God, it feels a little strange talking to you, but I’m giving it a go. Perhaps you are closer than I think. If that’s true then I’m not going to ask for a sign, but I am going to ask that you will remove anything that stops me from seeing you.
A prayer to say sorry
God, I recognize that the world has gone wrong in many ways and I want to be part to something better. I’m sorry for my own part in making things go wrong. I particularly want to say sorry for … God, if you really did die for me then the least I can say is thank you. Thank you for your love for me and for forgiving me. Make me someone who is connected with heaven.
A prayer asking for trust
Jesus, there is something about you that challenges me. I’m being encouraged to put my faith in you but I don’t find that easy. I’m on the fence and I want to get off on the right side. What I know of you I like, so I am choosing to trust you now.