We believe that everything we have comes from God, and that giving of our time, talents and money is one way we can respond to His love and all that He is doing in our lives. The generosity of our church family is what enables us to keep being a place where everyone can encounter the transforming love of Jesus.
As we don’t take up an offering during our Sunday services we rely principally on the generosity of the church family for planned, regular giving. This provides us with the resources we need to maintain the church building, pay the staff team, support a wide range of activities throughout the week, and provide financial help to deserving causes.
If you would like to discuss planned giving or one-off gifts please speak in confidence to our Treasurers, Simon and Debs Weldon.
Ways to give
Online banking (One-off gifts)
If you have access to online banking, you’re able to set up regular giving or one-off gifts by BACS transfer. Regular giving allows us to budget more effectively, and so is incredibly helpful.
New CotH Bank Details from 1ST MARCH 2023
With our move to CIO status, our bank account details are changing. From the 1st March 2023, please make sure your donations are directed to the new bank account. Here are the details:
Bank NatWest
Sort code 60-10-13
Account name Elvetham Heath LEP
Account number 86594567
If you have any questions, please email treasurer@churchontheheath.org.uk .
If you find it simpler, you can set up Direct Debit and one-off card payments below. Note that we are charged a small transaction fee for each payment, though we can also claim Gift Aid at the point of donation.
Payroll Giving
Some employers will match your giving to charities using the Give as You Earn scheme.
Gift Aid
Whichever way you choose to give to Church on the Heath, if you’re a UK taxpayer please complete a copy of the Gift Aid form and return it to our Treasurer. Gift Aid is a simple way to increase the value of your gift at no extra cost to you. If you pay tax in the UK, we can reclaim the basic rate tax (25%) on your gift.